Friday, August 31, 2012

Country Time

Well, it’s Friday and that means time for the lighter side of life. After all, we need some positivity, and lots of smiles and laughter to make it in the anti-human trafficking movement. 

As I mentioned in a previous post, I have been spending a lot of time in the last two weeks or so driving through several states to eventually arrive in DC. Most of the states I have covered so far are Southern, such as Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina. Even though I have plenty of music to prevent me from falling asleep, I decided to soak in the atmosphere of the many areas I went through and listened to local radio stations. It turned out that was not as bad as I thought it would be. Therefore, I decided to share some of the pearls of wisdom acquired through listening to country songs:)

“Everybody want to go to heaven
But nobody want to go now.”

“To a little bit of chicken fried
Cold beer on a Friday night
A pair of jeans that fit just right
And the radio up”

“Life’s too easy to be so damn complicated.”

“Fearless is living in spite of those things that scare you to death.”

Don’t ask me what songs these excerpts come from or who the artist is. I have no idea. All I know is I heard these songs more than once and just couldn’t help but share the fun knowledge with all of you. Enjoy!

-      Krasi


  1. Um so the song actually goes "You know I like my chicken fried" As a former Texan, how could you not know this? :)

    You're welcome ;)


  2. Hehe, I had no idea what those songs were and wrote down the lyrics as I thought I heard them:). I was expecting some country song lovers to tell me who the artists are and what the songs' titles are. Thanks for the clarification!

    - Krasi
